Quality Control Facilities

ATC has strict quality control processes.


Our quality control processes include :

  • Inspection before plating to ensure good parts before processing
  • Inspection after plating using appropriate measuring tools and testing equipment
  • Implementation of quality procedures of the Nadcap process and AS 9100 for aerospace customers and ISO 9001 for non-aerospace customers

List of Quality Tools & Equipment

  • Cross Cutter
  • Gloss Meter @ 60 Degrees
  • Color Spectrometer
  • Vacuum Seal Machine
  • Dualscope Coating Meter
  • Micrometer
  • 10X Magnifying Luxo Lamp
  • 400X Microscope
  • Abrasion Tester
  • Salt Spray Chamber
  • Weighing Scale Unit
  • Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)
  • Microhardness Tester
Dualscope Coating Meter
Gloss Meter @ 60 Degrees
Color Spectrometer
Cross Cutter
Abrasion Tester
10X Magnifying Luxo Lamp
400X Microscope
Weighing Scale Unit
Salt Spray Chamber
AA Machine
Vacuum Seal Machine
Microhardness Tester

Performing porosity test highlights any corrosion of the base metal alloy, in areas where there are any inconsistencies in the surface coating.

Copper sulphate and Potassium Ferricyanide tests are adopted for the determination of porosity of surface coating on steel alloy substrates. Copper sulphate is used when there is a need to verify the effectiveness of stainless-steel passivation treatment, while potassium ferricyanide is utilized for steel passivation treatment. For Tin plating, sulphur dioxide is utilized for the identification of discontinuities at surface coatings.

Adhesion test is an important tool to evaluate the strength of bonding between the surface coating and metal substrate.

The test methods employed are Bending test and Taping test. Bending test revolves around the deformation of plated metal substrate to the point of breakage, before evaluation for peeling or cracking of coating. Taping test involves two variations: Cross-hatch and Wet-tape. The use of approved standard tapes is utilized for both of these variations, which yields reliable and repeatable results.

The assessment of plating thickness is an important aspect of the plating process. Accurate cross-sectional plating thickness may be verified by the utilization of an Optical Microscope capable of 500x magnification – down to 1 micron. The capability to reveal surface details too small to be seen by the unaided eyes, sets it apart from regular thickness gauges capable of only rough thickness evaluation.

Hardness testing allows the appraisal of the coating’s strength, ductility and wear resistance. It grants customers the relevant information to determine the suitability of the coating for a given purpose. The Vickers hardness test is the standard method employed, as it has a broad load range making it suitable for a wide range of applications and materials.
Salt spray test is an accelerated corrosion test that employs saline fog to evaluate the corrosion resistance of coated substrates. The use of a salt-spray chamber allows for a controlled adjustment of temperature, atomization and quantity of fog. This ensures that every test done is consistent and yields reliable results of high credibility.

Coating weight test is a measurement of the weight of coating applied on a known surface area of metal substrate. This measurement allows the indirect co-relation of coating weight to the degree of corrosion resistance, much like the relationship between coating thickness and corrosion resistance.

Attaining consistent coating weight results also provides assurance to customers of the maintained quality standards of plated goods.

The purpose of performing Abrasion test is to establish the ability of a coating to withstand mechanical actions such as rubbing, scraping or erosion. The primary method of evaluation of abrasion resistance utilized is Wear Index. Wear Index is calculated from weight loss of coating obtained from abrasive actions, through use of an Abrasion tester

Water immersion test is an accurate method to test the water-resistance of surface coating, as it allows the specific identification of leak locations, if any.

Parts are either fully or partially immersed for a set duration of time. This is followed by visual evaluation and via appropriate physical tests. Surface coatings that are inadequate will reveal signs of blistering, cracking, or adhesion loss.

Impact test is performed on coated test panels that have been cured for 24 hours, through the use of an impact tester. The adhesion and completion of curing can therefore be determined through this test method.
Through the use of a Gloss meter, the specular reflection gloss of the surface coating can be measured. The gloss variance can thus be determined, which in turn guarantees the acquirement of an even gloss finish based on the customer’s needs.
Particle count test utilizes a particle counter to measure the concentration of particles in the atmosphere. The test is conducted prior to the commencement of any activity in the Cleanroom, so as to safeguard the cleanliness of the processed products.
Black Light Inspection involves the use of Ultraviolet (UV) light on cleaned components. This aids in the identification of fibres or particles, that are typically undiscernible under visible light. This inspection is an indispensable process control step to ensure absolute cleanliness is achieved
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